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Carol Jones Ross

Martha Carol Jones
"Love, and a laugh cannot be hid."
Basketball 1,2,3,4
Band 1,2, Minstrel 3
Class Officer 3,4, Beta Club 4
FHA 3,4, Junior Marshall 3
District Trio 2,3, Tri-Hi-Y Officer 3,4
One-Act Play 4, Girls' State 3
Cheerleader Capt. 2,3,4, Superlative 4
Editor of Annual 4, Football Sweetheart 4
Homecoming Queen 4

Spouse: A. L.
Children: Jeffery Scott Ross (age 47) and Lisa Ross Lovin (age 45)
Grandchildren: Johnathan and Meredith Ross – Elizabeth, Peter, Catherine and Rachel Lovin
Places lived: Eastman and Griffin
Schools attended: Crandall Business College
Vocation: Homemaker!
Significant events: Having two wonderful children and watching them grow to be outstanding adults
Achievements: Being a part of all of my grandchildren’s lives
Your “Last Will and Testament” in 1955 was “I, Carol Jones, do bequeath my good taste in acquiring boyfriends (the dark, handsome type) to Carol Bland."
Comments: I would wish that everybody would be as happy with their “boy friends” as A. L. and I have been over 50 years.
Your class prophecy was “In this year 1965, time takes us to New York where Carol Jones, famous journalist has just returned from a world tour.”
Comments: Needless of say there has been no world tour A. L. and I are enjoying retirement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Ross! I found out that you were related to my best friend, Kimberly Harrell. I was showing her this website and she recognized you. I thought that it was neat! It was nice meeting you at the reunion when I was helping Mr. Hal.