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Billy Steele

William John Steele
"Sir, hell is paved with good intentions."
4-H 1,2,3
Band 1
Boys' State 3
Hi-Y 2
Superlative 4

Spouse: Nancy Steele
Children: Stephanie and Julia Steele
Places you have lived: Eastman, Eastman, and Eastman
Schools attended: Georgia Military Institute, Breneau College and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Vocation: Personnel Management and Military Science, retired
Miliatary Service: Veteran - U.S. Army 4 years, Army National Guard 30 years
Significant events in your life: Marrying - Nancy, The gift of two daughters, U.S. Army Commissioning and Retirement X 3
Achievements you are most proud of : Raising our daughters to be wheat in a field of tares
Your "Last Will and Testament" in 1955 was "I, Billy Steele, bequeath my quality of never disagreeing or complaining to Kathryn Moon."
Comments: To beat my swords into plowshares and my spears into pruning hooks.
Your class prophecy was "Billy Steele and Danny Pickett, a famous comedy team have taken up where Bud Abbott and Lou Costello left off."
Comments: Pickett lost his humor, quit comedy, got a C.P.A and made millions. I continued the entertainment foolishness of low drama and high comedy and wound up a Brig. General.

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